City versus  Country

Childhood perception create our world. I recently had the pleasure of spending time with a family member. We discussed how our childhood perception create our world. We talked about how we each saw each others family. What we saw was not true. Our realities were warped due to what we saw with our eyes.

I always saw this family member’s family as affluent and they in turn had seen our family as affluent. However, neither of our families were affluent. We were not poor, but we were not rich. We’d had the advantage of living on our farm rent free.

As a child I had seen the big city riches when I visited this family. These riches were far from a country town’s riches.
What saw was the affluence of living in a big city? In my child’s mind these family members who lived in the big city had advantages. They had the good fortune to participate in social activities of their desire. That made them in my eyes affluent. In my family, we had no such luxuries; because we were so far from town. To go into town to attend any weekly social events or activities was near impossible.


The Child’s Mind

It’s funny how the mind of a child works. Funny how childhood perceptions create our world.

In analyzing what I saw in my other family’s family helped me to understand why I couldn’t enjoy what that other family members could, due to their location.   I used my childhood perception to fit in with theirs and my situation.
Hence I had to created lack in me. Due to not being able to fulfill some of my dreams as a child; to do ballet. So to justify it, I had to understand my parent’s reasons why we were living so far from social activities. Dad was a shift worker, and Mum was a non-driver.

So we were forever lacking in the social and cultural sides of life. Which I wanted.  This family member was so fortunate to live in the big city and do what I wanted to do. She went to stage shows, that a country people like me, in the 1950’s and 1960’s had no clue existed. A country life in those years was a sheltered life. Causing you to be far removed from the arts.

I was not a country girl who liked to go horse riding or who wanted to attend to the cows. I feel I was a city girl caught up in a country life foreign to me.

Life is Mapped Out

Life is ordained and our path is set from baby till we can make a choice to change it. I had karma with my dad who was on a farm, and that karma had to override my love of the arts buried deep within me, a distant memory from another lifetime. You may scoff at me and say there is no such thing as other lifetimes, and I may refute that and say, there is.

Well, let’s hope I get it right this lifetime to make better choices in my next incarnation. Funny how we all have these childhood perceptions we created as children can create our adult world. Do you know you can still be holding onto those created perceptions and beliefs, unconsciously. It’s not until we get to a point in our lives where we are forced to re-look at our childhood perceptions that created our world and see they aren’t serving us in our immediate adult life.

Childhood Perception can Disrupt our Journey

Has this childhood perception I created my world from blocked my own ability to move forward? To manifest the life I want. Am still unable to think like a city person? Is my childhood perceptions and beliefs I created still in my deep subconscious mind?

Because really, they’re only a childhood perception I created. So, I am looking at city people and perceiving them as affluent? I must be unconsciously perceiving myself as less than a city person? Because I see them as above me with all their city advantages. It’s funny how our mindset can change our destiny.

Changing our Mindset

So if I see myself as lesser than, a city person, I’ll always be lesser than them. This childhood perception I created has to go. And I’m so, so glad I’d met up with my city family member to remind me of a childhood perception that created my world then and is now outdated and not true.