Christine Cowin


Purchase your paperback or e-book copy of the first instalment of the My Secret Self series, at one of the websites below:

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Book Description

“There was a storm brewing as I walked along the dirt track home with my sister. Little did I know my life was about to change forever with a message I received from my own mind as we walked in our silence. It was my first reminder to remember: I am more than my physical self.”  

Our house was on a farm and everyone on this farm was totally absorbed in their own world of sadness, grief, and I guess regrets. The unthinkable happened to me under the noses of my female carers. My father was abusing me and I was accepting his advances. I needed lots of love and I couldn’t get enough. This made me vulnerable to him.

My mother packed up and left. She couldn’t tolerate my father’s abuse towards her, hitting her to appease his controlling mother. She left my sister and me with my grandma. My father was devastated, used me to comfort him, and took me with him when he searched for our mother. On her return, my father and I were caught in bed, and so my isolation and separateness changed my life. Primary school was tough but high school offered me knowledge and a better view of the world.

At seventeen, freedom at last. I was given a car: a means of escape. My self-confidence grew. My sister and old foes became friends. I was asserting myself and I was not going to be told what to do.

My Secret Self is an internalised story of my life and my impressions of the world around me. I have kept my views of that world, and of other people, a secret. I will keep my biggest secret a secret.


Purchase your paperback or e-book copy of the second instalment of the My Secret Self series, at one of the websites below:

Australian sites: Fishpond | Booktopia | Amazon 

|Angus & Robertson

US/UK sites: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository

Ebooks: Kindle | KOBO | The Nook | Booktopia | iBooks

You can also read my author interviews and book reviews on the sites below:

Author Pages: Amazon | Goodreads | BookBub | AllAuthor

Book Description

How deceived we are in life. There I was, I had just got my car and a sense of freedom, and bang, it was gone out the door in a matter of months. I was working for a construction company in my hometown and happily going about my life with friends when one-day destiny knocked on the office door. On opening the door, I thought nothing of the wild-looking man who stood before me. 

On my wedding day I questioned as I got out of the car, ‘What am I doing here?’ I didn’t want to get married until I was in my late twenties, and here I was, at eighteen, about to walk into a church and make marriage vows with a man I didn’t really know. 

Again my life was a secret. On the outside, all looked perfect. Internally, I was so unhappy. 

As time moved on, a side of me that was lying dormant was starting to come into awakening. I had a strong urge to read on mysterious and strange events. I was questioning the world and life: I wanted answers. Who am I? What is this life all about? What was my purpose on this earth?

 We are all programmed to believe we are what we were conditioned into. But deep down within me, my Spirit stirred and said, no, this is not you. Seek out the knowledge and remember who you are. 


Purchase your paperback or e-book copy of the second instalment of the My Secret Self series, at one of the websites below:

 Australia: Amazon Kindle  | Angus & Robertson  | Fishpond (Aussie/NZ) | Booktopia

US/UK Sites: Barnes and Noble-Paperback | The Book Depository | Amazon

Ebooks:  Apple iTunes / iBooks | Amazon US (kindle) | KOBO | The Nook  | Booktopia