What if Mother Earth was just a place to invent the biggest fantasies you can?
No one has any answers and our imagination and our beliefs are not right or wrong, they are ours. No two people will perceive the same thoughts or beliefs and this is why we are all so individualistic. God created a diverse melting pot. This includes different cultures, people, beliefs, ethnicity and personalities to take us on our own personal journeys. If we were all the same, there would be no calamity, challenges and differences of opinions or races, creeds, the world would be a boring place. Read about my journey to discover other cultures and beliefs and the journey I have traveled which was to appease my inner calling.
Are you listening to your inner calling? Have you got a special task you must do on Mother Earth this life time?
Although we don’t always agree with the way things are done or the opinions of others, it can shape our own beliefs and can impact the patterns we form within our own behaviours.
Are we here to create whatever we wanted to – good, bad or indifferent?
Although we have a role to play individually we are still influenced by those around us e.g. Family, peers, schools, workplaces, community groups and organisations. By knowing who you are, you can change your life’s course. Break those influential behaviours that are not serving you. You have choices as an adult to change and not be part of the status quo.
Be yourself: “Self knowledge heals all.”
We are a result of our genetics: but what is in our genetic lineage
That’s been passed down from parents and grandparents?
We are also a product of what we’ve brought in with us from our previous lifetimes to heal and learn from, to evolve.
Then there is the environment we were birthed into. The functionality or the dysfunctional aspects of the family will impact us greatly.
How do we survive this when we have no idea of the intensity of life?
Many will never know they are a result of passed down information from parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
Poverty, loss, jail, and inappropriate traits and behaviours that are unknown to us can pop up and affect certain members of a family, but not other members within the family group, and we will refer to them as the black sheep of the family. It’s not their fault.
Before you judge them, ask what passed down ordeal that family member is inflicted with from the family line.
By being aware in the first place, this part of the process of life can help family members to understand each other.
When you have clues to you, you have a key to unlock your path to who you are; because you are not what you think you are.
You are a timeless being making many journeys to this dimension to play out your games of life; healing the memories of a past generation as well as your own past life stuff.
In awareness you can understand others and yourself.
How do we survive this?
How do we survive following the family traits that don’t suit us in this lifetime?
Having awareness that such things can happen,
Healing the genetic lineage,
Clearing our DNA of mentalities from past ancestors,
As you search the world to understand it, first you are to understand yourself through your mirror. You are more than your reflection in the mirror, for you are greater than your humanness. You are the universe in its oneness. There is no separation; only our egos create separation to place us in limbo. The ego wants to keep you safe, and so places you in a situation to tie you down. When you are in a dark space, in depression, or in anxiety, this is fear arising in you. Don’t take this on board; it’s not you. It’s an illusion – a manifestation of an ego’s belief.
Are you the master of your ship? Or is the ego at the helm, instead of the captain? You have the choice to take over the wheel and steer your own ship. Isn’t it time to throw the first mate over board and take over the wheel?
Life is truly an adventure; the adventure can be in misery or in acceptance. I have been to these places, and it takes inner belief and courage to move forward and take charge of your own life. In my secret self, you can read about my journey and how I discovered myself through the mirrors of other people that entered my life to show me what was mine. At first I blamed them for my mishaps however as I grew in awareness, I realised they were a gift, mirroring to me my own issues.
Are you taking on the opinions or points of view of your tribe?
Family, co-workers, peers etc. The gift of your soul’s journey is in your mirror, and these are the people in your life. What are they expressing to you? Is it their fears you are buying into? Are they contributing to your well-being, your adventures, and your dreams; are they supportive, or are they nay-saying all you attempt to do?
This happens to keep you where they want you, and in that fear your ego will thrive, for it has you where it wants you.
False perceptions can give you a false identity. This can cause you a false belief of your own capabilities in your adult life. Many have put themselves into situations where they should never have been and in jobs below their ability due to perceptions of others.
Are you the victim of a false identity imposed on you by people who did not see or understand your true capacity, potential or heart?
We are humans and we have intelligence. Our intelligence can cause us some undue stress because of our prior conditioning’s and beliefs about us from those that cared for us.
Are we defining the truth of who we are?
Is our true self able to rise out of the mayhem and chaos we seem to have invited in to stay with us?
Do you know the game of life is full of plays we have learned, and are still holding tightly to?
Do you know some of these plays are ancient and need a re-write?
To free the self; one must first face what it is one needs to free the self from.
How can you know what you have to free yourself from, if you don’t know what it is you need to free?
Life is simple; we complicate it.
Are you complicating an old drama? Many issues play out like a movie in our mind which leads us down the wrong path. We play a character in our lives that is not truly us. We need to separate from this false identity and uncover the truth of who we are. You can read about my journey to self-discovery in the my secret self series.