Be Mindful with your words
Our responsibility as parents is to ensure that we provide the best opportunities for our children. This entails us being mindful of our language and how we speak to others. When I say language, I am not referring to swearing or ‘bad words’. I am drawing your attention to what you say, how you say it or even the unspoken words between parents and people we interact with.
The effects of not being mindful with your words around your children can be devastating and last a lifetime.
Children are sponges and they develop their own perception of a situation. That perception may not be a true representation of that situation but this is how a child see’s it.
A great example is, sometimes things are said in the heat of the moment that we don’t necessarily mean. After things calm down, we can apologise, acknowledge that it was not meant and move forward. Little do you know, your little one has heard the argument and doesn’t understand the reconciliation. They just see the way the parents are interacting with each other. Often the child is left out of the apology and believe this to be an acceptable pattern of behaviour to be carried out for years to come.
The triggers that can cause these arguments often come from what behaviour was previously learned and accepted by your family unconsciously. As a child you will not truly understand the trigger until you are much older and in awareness. Have you ever heard the phrase, “you are too young to understand?”
Awareness is a key element and the child can carry on into their adult life with this view which may not be the truth. Unless they become aware, they may carry this ‘story’ to the grave. If your child is aware, it can be very complicated and confusing time for them. They can see the falsehood in your words which leads to more unanswered questions. This leaves the child wondering if they are in the right family or a loss of belief and trust.
A situation may be remembered in a different way, a twist to a situation which is not lying but it is a context of their conditioning of how they were brought up and perceived things.
Like a media story, if you ask 5 people what happened when they witnessed a car accident, each will give you a different recount because they link what they saw to their mental picture and belief system to give them their desired outcome.
The way language is articulated can be deceptive because it is derived from your conditioning’s and past experiences with your own parents. This can be causing repetition of a pattern of behaviour and a scenarios that are familiar to you.
When you read this article, what memories are surfacing for you. Write this down and look at where first learnt something from your family that is still affecting you today.

Are you imposing these memories onto your children? Are you mindful of family conditioning’s?
Do you know you have emotional baggage?
Do you know you have emotional baggage?
We are passing on to our own children our emotional baggage, leaving them to heal what we hadn’t looked at.
A child is like a sponge and a child picks up on the said and the unsaid cues in many environments.
Life is a cycle and the patterns you have, have been picked up by you from your family and now you are transferring them to your children.
Only you can change your immediate life and what came before you.
Your children, can heal what they picked up from you. Whatever you were carrying from previous generations from your former family members who didn’t heal.
When you change your life, you change your children’s lives.
It only just takes one family member to decide to commit to healing. You are not on the journey alone but you need to be prepared to make the change.
Will it be you or will your children have to uncover these unhealthy and dysfunctional patterns? This could include your patterns and all the behaviours passed down into you and from past generations. That is now in them.
At present I’m healing myself and family issues, and passed generational issues that has never been looked at by any family member.
I have become aware that there are behaviours and patterns in my subconscious mind that impact my decisions.
I am working hard to eliminate generations of beliefs, vows, superstitions, and hear says.
If you chose to heal you can. Not only heal yourself and your children, you can heal future generations.
If you are ready to commit and start your journey to unpack your emotional baggage, contact me today for a FREE 15 minute consultation.
Readers’ Favorite Review
Readers’ Favorite Review from Rabia Tanveer
My Secret Self: Book 2 – Questioning Life in Marriage by Christine U Cowin is the second book by this author. In this autobiography, the author talks about her married life and how it affected her as a person. Christine shares her life views as to how she spent her life the way the world perceived her and how she became prey to pleasing the world rather than herself. More self-reflecting than accusatory, Christine talks about how women tend to lose themselves in their home, their families and the responsibilities that they have. We let others shape us into a new person and forget what it means to be ourselves. She is one of those rare few women who actually realize that they are losing themselves and they need to do something about it before it is too late. She felt the urge to believe in herself, wake herself up, and do something before it was too late. This book asks some very difficult questions that we may not have answers to, but Christine asked herself these questions and answered them to find herself once again.
This is one of the most encouraging and enlightening books I have read. It is empowering to read, giving courage to women to put themselves first. The narrative is very gentle. Christine doesn’t use any harsh words and keeps her tone light at all times. In My Secret Self, she makes sure that her point comes across in the most genuine way possible. Her word choice is just perfect; she allows the reader to get interested because they want to, not because they have to. Agreeing to put yourself first is very difficult, especially for women who have been conditioned to put everyone else first. I think this book would be a great help for women who are trying to break free and learn to love themselves. Christine’s story is encouraging as well as educational for women of all ages.
Childhood Photos
My Background
My childhood photos are in chronological order so as you read through my story. You can have an image of the child you are reading about as she experiences her life.
As you glimpse my life as a child in the book, here are some childhood photos of me as a child and a teenager so you can imagine life with this young lady.
These childhood photos are in black and white, reflecting the period of the 1950’s and 1960’s when I was growing up. You can see the innocence in my face and trusting nature. The impact of my experience had not resonated yet and did not do so until my late 40’s.
I grew up in the hunter valley of New South Wales with 3 siblings on a farm. Spending a lot of time in nature where I was accepted and comfortable being myself was often where I could be found. I also spent a lot of time day dreaming which was my coping mechanism in my surroundings. After school, on a Friday, I often stayed at a friends house because it was much easier than my family life. One of my favourite past times was to go to the movies. This greatly influenced my imagination and developed my curiosity about other cultures. Little did I know this was the beginning of introducing me on an unconscious level to a necessary part of my life to seek the truth and write these books.
You can read the details of my life experiences in the My Secret Self series which takes you on my journey of childhood and explains the patterns and behaviours developed by the influence of members of my family.
Memory Lane
And there were so many memories about my own life brought up. So reading my book is like going down memory lane. They were the words of a reader of my book.
“Oh my God! I couldn’t put your book down.”
My book will take you back into my past, not to stay there but to visit helping you to reconnect with your own memories of your yesteryear’s. I know when I am with friends of mine and we say “remember when”, we end up having a good laugh and the conversation becomes engaging and delightful. Not all memories are bad memories and my book is not full of doom and gloom. There are light-hearted memories to share with you.
Some of my life events weren’t so good, but they have been dealt with and healed. What more can I say; to wallow in the past doesn’t help me or those involved in the story. And now it’s a story to be told, to have a chat with my readers to say, hey, remember when? Hey, did you do this or that?
Get a copy of my book, join me in memory lane and let’s sit and have a chat.
Mother Earth
What if Mother Earth was just a place to invent the biggest fantasies you can?
No one has any answers and our imagination and our beliefs are not right or wrong, they are ours. No two people will perceive the same thoughts or beliefs and this is why we are all so individualistic. God created a diverse melting pot. This includes different cultures, people, beliefs, ethnicity and personalities to take us on our own personal journeys. If we were all the same, there would be no calamity, challenges and differences of opinions or races, creeds, the world would be a boring place. Read about my journey to discover other cultures and beliefs and the journey I have traveled which was to appease my inner calling.
Are you listening to your inner calling? Have you got a special task you must do on Mother Earth this life time?
Although we don’t always agree with the way things are done or the opinions of others, it can shape our own beliefs and can impact the patterns we form within our own behaviours.
Are we here to create whatever we wanted to – good, bad or indifferent?
Although we have a role to play individually we are still influenced by those around us e.g. Family, peers, schools, workplaces, community groups and organisations. By knowing who you are, you can change your life’s course. Break those influential behaviours that are not serving you. You have choices as an adult to change and not be part of the status quo.
Be yourself: “Self knowledge heals all.”
To help you on your path of self-discovery, feel free to book a free 15-minute consultation with me on how I can help you.
Genetic Lineage
We are a result of our genetics: but what is in our genetic lineage
That’s been passed down from parents and grandparents?
We are also a product of what we’ve brought in with us from our previous lifetimes to heal and learn from, to evolve.
Then there is the environment we were birthed into. The functionality or the dysfunctional aspects of the family will impact us greatly.
How do we survive this when we have no idea of the intensity of life?
Many will never know they are a result of passed down information from parents, grandparents and great grandparents.
Poverty, loss, jail, and inappropriate traits and behaviours that are unknown to us can pop up and affect certain members of a family, but not other members within the family group, and we will refer to them as the black sheep of the family. It’s not their fault.
Before you judge them, ask what passed down ordeal that family member is inflicted with from the family line.
By being aware in the first place, this part of the process of life can help family members to understand each other.
When you have clues to you, you have a key to unlock your path to who you are; because you are not what you think you are.
You are a timeless being making many journeys to this dimension to play out your games of life; healing the memories of a past generation as well as your own past life stuff.
In awareness you can understand others and yourself.
How do we survive this?
How do we survive following the family traits that don’t suit us in this lifetime?
Having awareness that such things can happen,
Healing the genetic lineage,
Clearing our DNA of mentalities from past ancestors,
The key is in the awareness.
To dive into this further and uncover who YOU are, either get a copy of my book or book a free 15 minute session with me to work together.
Relationship with My Mother
My life lesson has been to have a better relationship with my mother and learn to love her.
Mothers can be hard to understand; as a young adult we can be just finding our own way in the world
But feel we weren’t totally free.
Some mothers seem to have a hold on their children consciously or unconsciously.
Are you free to be yourself, or is your mother instilling her ways on you?
We don’t realise the intensity of our relationship with our mother;
She’s the one we bond with at birth.
Are you battling with your mother? Or are you totally in love with your mother?
Dealing with my mother was important for me to learn to understand myself.
For me it was an effort to be close to my mother; due to our life circumstances that caused us to have distance between us.
However, time heals, and the geometry of life is love and so the intertwining of mother and child can heal over time.
And each can be their own individual self when understanding is reached.
Read about my relationship with my mother in my secret series
If you feel like some of your behaviours derive from the patterns influenced by your mother, contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.
The Gift for Your Soul’s Journey is in Your Mirror of Others
As you search the world to understand it, first you are to understand yourself through your mirror. You are more than your reflection in the mirror, for you are greater than your humanness. You are the universe in its oneness. There is no separation; only our egos create separation to place us in limbo. The ego wants to keep you safe, and so places you in a situation to tie you down. When you are in a dark space, in depression, or in anxiety, this is fear arising in you. Don’t take this on board; it’s not you. It’s an illusion – a manifestation of an ego’s belief.
Are you the master of your ship? Or is the ego at the helm, instead of the captain? You have the choice to take over the wheel and steer your own ship. Isn’t it time to throw the first mate over board and take over the wheel?
Life is truly an adventure; the adventure can be in misery or in acceptance. I have been to these places, and it takes inner belief and courage to move forward and take charge of your own life. In my secret self, you can read about my journey and how I discovered myself through the mirrors of other people that entered my life to show me what was mine. At first I blamed them for my mishaps however as I grew in awareness, I realised they were a gift, mirroring to me my own issues.
Are you taking on the opinions or points of view of your tribe?
Family, co-workers, peers etc. The gift of your soul’s journey is in your mirror, and these are the people in your life. What are they expressing to you? Is it their fears you are buying into? Are they contributing to your well-being, your adventures, and your dreams; are they supportive, or are they nay-saying all you attempt to do?
This happens to keep you where they want you, and in that fear your ego will thrive, for it has you where it wants you.
To understand your true reflection, book in a free 15 minute consultation with me to begin your road to self-discovery.
False Identity
False perceptions can give you a false identity. This can cause you a false belief of your own capabilities in your adult life. Many have put themselves into situations where they should never have been and in jobs below their ability due to perceptions of others.
Are you the victim of a false identity imposed on you by people who did not see or understand your true capacity, potential or heart?
We are humans and we have intelligence. Our intelligence can cause us some undue stress because of our prior conditioning’s and beliefs about us from those that cared for us.
Are we defining the truth of who we are?
Is our true self able to rise out of the mayhem and chaos we seem to have invited in to stay with us?
Do you know the game of life is full of plays we have learned, and are still holding tightly to?
Do you know some of these plays are ancient and need a re-write?
Is it time to re-write your life and start with a clean slate? Are you strong enough to face yourself?
To free the self; one must first face what it is one needs to free the self from.
How can you know what you have to free yourself from, if you don’t know what it is you need to free?
Life is simple; we complicate it.
Are you complicating an old drama? Many issues play out like a movie in our mind which leads us down the wrong path. We play a character in our lives that is not truly us. We need to separate from this false identity and uncover the truth of who we are. You can read about my journey to self-discovery in the my secret self series.
Fear can cause us to give up on our dreams.
Fear can cause us to give up on our dreams. You have probably heard these words often enough and know this fact. But how can we get pass this fear that stops us in our tracks? Well there is no short answer for that question, because the answer is in you, and to find the cause of your fears, is your first port of call. The fears of other people or their opinion can also impact us as this can form beliefs that do not ring true for us. Fears of others project on to one another.
The most common scenario can be between parents and their child e.g. if you are afraid of insects and you child see’s your reactions and behaviours affiliated around insects, they will mimic this. Children will act out their parents fears. Energy will dictate this, even if the child is unaware or has no understanding of the situation and the consequences the bear on this.
Where is this fear residing in your body? Is it in your mind, or in your gut, or in your heart? Where is it lying hidden from you?
Sometimes these types of fears rise up in me and I have to face them. My fears usually lie in my gut, so there is an emotional fear holding me back. I have to address the emotional fear.
Fear will cause you to react in a particular way or will limit you in achieving what you are truly capable of achieving. How many of us are playing out our family members and the fears that restrict them.
To discuss the impacts your families fears, I would recommend a free 15 minute consultation to see how I can help you.
Finding our life’s purpose
Travel can open our minds and hearts and help us to find our true life’s purpose and dreams. Our dreams can be fulfilled when we are not around our familiar surroundings. Those in our surrounding be it, friends, family, and community, can stop us from being truly who we are meant to be.
This happened to me when I left Australia and lived away in another country. I was opened to writing my books which I could never have done here in Australia. Even though I always thought I would love to write a book. An Esoteric Astrologer in Istanbul opened me to my life’s purpose by showing me in my chart where I had to write my life’s journey.
There was a deeper reason for me to share my story with others. It will help the reader to understand that there are many patterns we form from our childhood conditioning’s. At my soul level; somehow my soul knew I had to write and it was my guide, my divine force, to move me towards finding my life’s purpose.
All of us have a life’s purpose. Some of us know it and some of us don’t ever get to know it. Are you free in your own knowledge of what is required of you in this lifetime? Are you open to your life’s purpose or are others in your surrounding holding you back from being what you intended to be this lifetime? To help uncover your life’s purpose, book in a free 15 minute consultation with me.
I didn’t know my life’s purpose, until I left my country and comfort zone!
After writing my books, it took me another 11 years to actually publish them. I came back to Australia and faced those who opposed my dreams. My mission is to help others, to inspire and encourage others. I am to empower others to gather up their inner strength and be themselves.
“Life is to be Experienced”
In my 6 years away from my home country was the happiest time when I was truly myself. I am not suggesting that every one flees their country of origin. Find your place where you feel safe to be yourself and to fulfill your dreams. To read about my journey, see my books here.
“Divine Spirit, guide me as I blindly tread on this earth, searching for my life’s purpose that’s staring me in the face. Oh, how blind I was to not see what thou had installed for me. I thank you for the wonders I have seen, the dreads I have dreaded, the poverty, the riches, the sick and the well; you have given me a wide scope of all what life can bestow on a human, for this I am eternally grateful.”
The Observer
I like to refer to myself as an observer. I can be quiet and just look and listen to my surroundings and take note of the actions of others as I do this. It’s quite interesting to sit and people-watch, and I have learned a lot about people in just watching. In today’s world we are usually locked to our devices and we don’t interact as much.
When I was travelling I was always meeting people and people were opening up to me on their life stories. A stranger in the street would approach me, and I was very open to meeting strangers. These strangers seemed to trust me on a level unbeknown to them. I knew on a soul level we’d arranged this meeting. You may question this, but life is like that: we meet people for specific reasons. They seemed to know I could provide an answer to their questions or their dilemma and I usually did.
This is why I went into life coaching many years later after I returned to Australia; because I’d had so much practice overseas helping strangers through listening and hearing what they were saying, and allowing the questions to come to me so I could transfer the questions to them, so they could get their answers for them to heal themselves.
“I am the observer, observing life around me, fated meetings, and sacred words mere coincidences – or was it ordained?”
Inner Child
Discover your inner child. Trauma and grief can sway us away from the important things in life and interfere with our happiness. When we are bogged down with grief, guilt and shame, we are in a self-defeatist mode. This can cause us to dig ourselves into a hole in the ground.
Life and its circumstances dictated how I felt. Daily pressures can mount up and get in the way of our happiness. It was time to make a decision: do I continue, or do I do something about it? Because of outside influences on me, I decided no more flitting in and out of dilemmas which I had been for the past six months. Life had been catching up with me; now that I’m writing and publishing, I’ve put myself in some strenuous situations, and I seemed to be making a mountain out of mole hill. I had to stop this behaviour, and it is a behaviour, and one I know I am capable of playing in.
So what is the root cause of this behaviour?
You know what happens when we stop: the old memories come flooding in and we are forced to reflect to heal. I was creating a dilemma to get through a deep unknown secret in me. I didn’t believe in me. Wow, really? I do believe in me. But the truth be known, I didn’t, and to disguise this inner fraction, I put myself in a dilemma of frazzling myself and others, to blame others for my shortcomings. Aha! This is the issue.
I questioned it, and in questioning it, I had some pretty angry moments, and in the silence all was quietly revealed. The answers I had been looking for came to me. Aha! So this is what it’s all about. In the knowing I accepted what was causing me to act that way. In the recognition there came acceptance, and in the acceptance it dissipated.
You see, I got a taste of my own medicine as a spiritual coach. This is how I help my clients to move through something irritating or blocking them or causing them anger. I had to investigate my own inner child through reflection; to help myself recognise what was the issue and accept the outcome, which was fear to move forward.
Was not believing in myself my way of self-sabotaging myself? It took a bit of work to get a breakthrough.
I was life coaching myself. And so now I and my inner child are in a happier place, and things are pretty good and running smoothly. A reprieve until the next inner monster raises its ugly head to send my inner child into another episode of fear. But we can handle what life throws at us; it’s all in the reflection of the past, to move through to the now. Read more about my inner child here
Inner child of mine
‘Inner child of mine you surprise me constantly
With your little whims of yester year
I in the now am content to explore the now and the future.
But you tag along looking over your shoulder
To not let the boogie man get you.
Oh little one how sorry I am
That I can’t cleanse or wash away your fears forever.
Alas we must work in unison
To bring forth the monsters in the chasm of your mind
For a better life for us both
To escape the wheel of incarnation and
Endless returns to this plane of existence.
So little one bring forth to me your fears and
Let me help you to find solace through my understanding
And let’s abolish all the monsters of your days.”
Reading Books
Many people say as they read my book, your life is similar to my life. A lot you experienced, I’ve experienced. We all live a life with many experiences. Experiences can be similar but not the same. This is what unites people through reading books. Even through a particular group our similarities in experiences, visions, perspectives etc. My experiences can give you some aha moments. And will bring in some of your own memories as you read my book.
Books are written to excite, intrigue, shape, and inspire and bring in awareness of how other people have lived. You may even find we are not too far removed from each other’s lives. Reading books can help the reader to understand their own life, to put another’s person’s perspective on an incident and how they coped or handled it can help a reader. The most important message is you’re not alone; other people experience similar issues.
Reading of other people’s life events can be helpful
It’s understanding human nature through other people life experiences. We can educate ourselves on life by reading books. This will help us to trigger something you may need to remember, or inspire us to do something we always wanted to do for our own self.
Maybe you wanted to write a book, you may want to travel and live overseas. You want to start a business or maybe you wanted to learn a new language or about new cultures. Books offer all those interesting ways of learning and living.
Books help us to understand behaviours.
Help us to learn a crafts, or language. Read a book and live in someone else’s shoes for a few days or a month, and then sit back and say, hmm, that book helped me… Read about families, read about trauma and circumstances and how people have not let those traumas and circumstances define them. If you were traumatized as a child, you could find the courage to speak up on your own trauma and pain. A book may help you to rise above your issue.
You have two choices
I had two choices; to suffer and be the victim, or see beauty in my world and rise above it. We all have choices in this world. And it’s up to us. Books can help us to understand life. Many of the experiences that you’ve experienced, other people have experienced too. And there’s something in that; when we feel oh, that person went through what I went through. Because we are a group society, other people’s experiences can be your experiences.
It is kind of like a feeling of, oh, these things happen to others. I’m not alone. And others did experience what I experienced and they move through it and forward. You may even realise oh! I’ve never looked at it that way. Maybe I can look at it through their point of view. And maybe I can learn and maybe I can move forward in my own dilemmas? By reading about other people’s experiences, we can change and grow as a person. So get a book, and read a book. Books hold great knowledge, solutions, ideas and new ways of thinking and doing. Books are wonderful.
If you have discovered something about yourself in a book, feel free to reach out for a free 15 minute consultation to discuss what this means to you.
Childhood Perceptions Create our World
City versus Country
Childhood perception create our world. I recently had the pleasure of spending time with a family member. We discussed how our childhood perception create our world. We talked about how we each saw each others family. What we saw was not true. Our realities were warped due to what we saw with our eyes.
I always saw this family member’s family as affluent and they in turn had seen our family as affluent. However, neither of our families were affluent. We were not poor, but we were not rich. We’d had the advantage of living on our farm rent free.
As a child I had seen the big city riches when I visited this family. These riches were far from a country town’s riches.
What saw was the affluence of living in a big city? In my child’s mind these family members who lived in the big city had advantages. They had the good fortune to participate in social activities of their desire. That made them in my eyes affluent. In my family, we had no such luxuries; because we were so far from town. To go into town to attend any weekly social events or activities was near impossible.
The Child’s Mind
It’s funny how the mind of a child works. Funny how childhood perceptions create our world.
In analyzing what I saw in my other family’s family helped me to understand why I couldn’t enjoy what that other family members could, due to their location. I used my childhood perception to fit in with theirs and my situation.
Hence I had to created lack in me. Due to not being able to fulfill some of my dreams as a child; to do ballet. So to justify it, I had to understand my parent’s reasons why we were living so far from social activities. Dad was a shift worker, and Mum was a non-driver.
So we were forever lacking in the social and cultural sides of life. Which I wanted. This family member was so fortunate to live in the big city and do what I wanted to do. She went to stage shows, that a country people like me, in the 1950’s and 1960’s had no clue existed. A country life in those years was a sheltered life. Causing you to be far removed from the arts.
I was not a country girl who liked to go horse riding or who wanted to attend to the cows. I feel I was a city girl caught up in a country life foreign to me.
Life is Mapped Out
Life is ordained and our path is set from baby till we can make a choice to change it. I had karma with my dad who was on a farm, and that karma had to override my love of the arts buried deep within me, a distant memory from another lifetime. You may scoff at me and say there is no such thing as other lifetimes, and I may refute that and say, there is.
Well, let’s hope I get it right this lifetime to make better choices in my next incarnation. Funny how we all have these childhood perceptions we created as children can create our adult world. Do you know you can still be holding onto those created perceptions and beliefs, unconsciously. It’s not until we get to a point in our lives where we are forced to re-look at our childhood perceptions that created our world and see they aren’t serving us in our immediate adult life.
Childhood Perception can Disrupt our Journey
Has this childhood perception I created my world from blocked my own ability to move forward? To manifest the life I want. Am still unable to think like a city person? Is my childhood perceptions and beliefs I created still in my deep subconscious mind?
Because really, they’re only a childhood perception I created. So, I am looking at city people and perceiving them as affluent? I must be unconsciously perceiving myself as less than a city person? Because I see them as above me with all their city advantages. It’s funny how our mindset can change our destiny.
Changing our Mindset
So if I see myself as lesser than, a city person, I’ll always be lesser than them. This childhood perception I created has to go. And I’m so, so glad I’d met up with my city family member to remind me of a childhood perception that created my world then and is now outdated and not true.
An Autobiography
A True Account of a Life Experience
These books in the My Secret Self-Series are an autobiography of a true account of a life experience.
This story is about a child called Christine and her experiences in her family.
Life is not What it is Supposed to Be
Who knows what type of a family we will be born into. Some of us will have an abusive experience and some of us will be traumatized. And only two percent of the population will have a good family experience.Do you carry trauma? We’re you abused? Are you able to talk about it? Are you unable to express your trauma? Are you ready to open that memory up and deal with it? It takes courage to express this part of your life. And it took Christine until she was forty six. After that her path was set on healing the wound. She faced trauma as a child at the hands of a family member and it is usually a family member or someone close to the family. The consequences these experiences created for her and her family create a story that is said to hold the reader’s attention wondering what will happen next in Christine’s life.
Many people have no memory of their childhood or teens. And that doesn’t imply you had abuse or trauma. However, it’s due to some form of hurt you didn’t want to look at, and you’re decided to forget it.
What are these books about?
People ask what are these books about? What is it’s message? That is sometimes the reader needs to discover them self. We all perceive differently and I feel to if a book is described by a reader to another potential reader it can cause some suggests of how to relate to the book. A book such as an autobiography of a true account of a life experience must be between the reader and the author.
A Child Closes Down
In these incidences a child can close down because of the a traumatic event. One can lose their memory to block out the pain, hurt and shame, etc. This happened to Christine, this is when a part of the child fragments. And fragmentation happens to adults too.
When this happens deep healing needs to take place to recover from these events. If one doesn’t heal the memories will re-surface until faced and dealt with.
For years Christine blocked out an issue she had no idea of. This is the sad fact we close down and block it in our subconscious mind. Then the subconscious mind will put us in fear mode to keep us safe. A true account of a life experience in this autobiography will take you on a journey as Christine unravels her self as she digs deep and brings to the surface her hidden issues to face them and once faced they defuse.
You see, a traumatized person will continue to work in the same patterns and put them self on repeat. And keep bring in the familiar through other people.
In an autobiography of a trues account of a life experience You will in the series encounter her past and her demons that may even be your own demons. See how Christine traveled and bravely faced the foe within and slayed them in this reality.
This book was written to help other’s to understand the depth in which your past can be hidden from you and how that past is affecting your future. You see the trauma doesn’t go away; it can only be hidden in you, and you may not even know it’s happened to you.
My Inspirational Story
How it all started.
2001 was the first time I traveled overseas and I am forty-nine years old I had lived a very sheltered life, married, divorced and studied.
I studied with a college in Australia that allowed me to go to Italy to study and there I remembered I had to go to Turkey to visit it.
I got a train from Rome to the boot of Italy; to the port of Brindisi to catch a ferry boat to Greece and then on to the Island of Samos. I have never traveled and I had no fear. I was on a mission and I was following a calling I had twenty years prior to going to Turkey.

Follow my story on how I will go back and live in Turkey. But what was the lead up to making that decision? I had to go home, but why was Turkey my home?

I spent time in Greece and on the Island of Samos and then I got a barge to Kusadasi, Turkey. We were nearing the port and I ran downstairs. Why did I do that for? As I waited to dock with the smelly cars and their exhaust fumes, again I asked myself – why am I downstairs?
But I would soon found out. When the barge door went down, I felt oh my God I have come home. And as soon as I stepped onto Turkish soil I knew instantly I had come home. I ended up travelling around Turkey on little and big buses like I knew the place, like the back of my hand. I had come home.

Follow my story on how I will go back and live in Turkey. But what was the lead up to making that decision? I had to go home, but why was Turkey my home?

Face the Fear
When fear raises its ugly head don’t run away from it; face the fear and welcome it.
When we try to run from the fear or bury the fear deep within, it will resurface on and off until you acknowledge it.
Because the soul wants you to know it to heal it when it’s time for it to heal, and be known to you.
Remember, God only gives us what we can handle. Seek out help and clear it.
Your Script
My Secret Self: Trials and Tribulations of an Innocent: family relationships have a significant bearing on one’s life. Family with all its diversity – how did I shift through all I’d learned and observed? How did I see through the conditionings I was taught?
It’s not an easy task to see the truth of what you were conditioned into but it can be done and I did it.
I found myself out of all the characters I was playing out, that they weren’t my roles. I was playing roles in a script formulated for me; because I’d forgotten my own script.
Families can influence our perceptions of life. Until we unravel the falsehoods to find the truth for ourselves.